Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Journal #10;: Science Vs. Religion

The question of science and religion is strong and opinionated. Throughout the developing centuries, questions regarding evolution and the creation of humans have been quite strong. Many secular philosophers believe that we (human beings) have evolved. Vocalized religious supporters believe that we are solely a product of God. These two arguments have been prominent among scientific and religious study.
I personally believe in science. Science has the ability to experiment and prove a certain question or theory throughout history. Religion is a strong example of science and religion. Faith, being a connected yet fantastical belief, cannot be proven. Religion is solely based on one's belief and theory. Among this strong belief, many religious supporters oppose secular resolutions and answers to common theories. The creation of humans has been a reoccurring question throughout history. Did God create the human race? Or does science tell another story? Many disagreements and stipulations have come about because of these two questions. In the modern society, scientific reasons seem to be the more common answers to this theory. I believe one may have a strong connection with a significant figure, but human beings were not created with a simple construction. We have evolved from microscopic material in the universe. Human beings resemble modern animals in various aspects. The human race seems to contain a monkey-like quality. Various humans act in bizarre and barbaric ways. When one looks closely, our race somewhat resembles that of a contemporary monkey. Evolution is an issue among many religious and secular supporters. I believe religion plays no such part in the creation of human beings. I believe one is not born with faith; one must obtain this faith throughout life. By obtaining this faith later in life, a human being may connect themselves further with the word and actions of God. Faith is respected among various support groups, yet these religious people in society do not respect the idea of evolution. I believe there is no issue with religion and the idea of creation, but I personally support the idea of evolution rather than religious creation.

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