Thursday, November 11, 2010

Journal #22: Disregarding the Law

There are many predicaments when morals and laws are questioned. Often, laws are not connected to the moral fabric of society. Issues such a gay marriage and homeless citizens can be questioned with morals and what is believed to be right and wrong. Without morals in society, various actions and ideals can be greatly altered. I believe some laws may be disregarded if it is morally questioning.
I am a strong supporters of Humanism, and I feel that every human being is created equal. Equality is a subject that is often misinterpreted, especially when related to religion. I feel that religion is a perfect example of what is morally acceptable and what is not. I have no problem with people's ideals and actions, especially when related to religion. I believe that religion conveys an often misinterpreted vision of equality and Humanism, though. Gay marriage is an issue that has been contested throughout history. I feel that everyone should have the right to wed, regardless of faith, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. I support equal marriage because I feel that is a completely equal opportunity in society. I believe that one's love cannot be denied due to something so minor as one's sexual orientation. I believe the law should be disregarded in this sense. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to live the way they want to. I do not believe one should determine how another one should live his or her life. This is a subject that I am pretty opinionated on. Although I am opinionated when relating the law and gay marriage, I will listen to both sides. I will listen to the religious side and I will not contest it. I believe everyone has a valid point and I am not going to stifle one with my ideals.
Everyone has morals and I believe everyone should act on what they feel is right. If it involves harm in another human being either verbally, mentally, or physically, I feel that the law should be disregarded. I completely agree with disregarding the law if it is harmful or morally conflicting.

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