After much struggle and hardships, the protagonist of the novel, Santiago, began to embark on a life-altering adventure. Santiago has had an unfulfilling career as a fisherman. He is often taunted for his fruitless attempts at making living. After much thought, Santiago decides to embark on a journey.
When Santiago begins to reel in the marlin, he is skeptical of its size. He believes the fish is medium sized. Little does he know, the magnificent fish is roughly the size of his boat. Santiago tries to reel in the fish but his attempts are not working. He barely sleeps due to the size of the fish. While on the sea, Santiago describes various sea creatures and objects around him. By doing this, Hemingway established a realistic environment in which his readers would inhabit.
Throughout the novel, Santiago faces many struggles. In the beginning of the novel, Santiago does not have a sufficient amount of money to eat or live. He claims to be doing alright, but he cannot continue to lie to himself. After being on the sea for a short amount of time, Santiago hooks a large fish. He does not know much about the fish but he can tell it is large and he does not want to let go of it. He is unable to reel the fish in due to its size. With all his strength, Santiago struggles with the fish for several days. The old man loses sleep and food because of his hardships on the sea. Although the capture of the large fish is a lot of work, Santiago knows it will be worth it in the end.
After many struggles, some sharks begin to attract themselves toward the boat. They begin attacking the large marlin. Although the sharks take chunks out of the fish, the marlin continues to survive. Santiago beats the hungry creatures away. Santiago continues to kill the fish for quite sometime until all the flesh is completely missing from the large fish. Santiago is discouraged and upset, but he realizes he accomplished what he set out to do and he will continue to fish.
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